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XMultiAutoAccessSkipList< X, K, CT, A, Pr > Class Template Reference

Internal container for custom multilist derived from XBidiCompositeSkipList. More...

#include <CSCompositeSkipList.h>

Inheritance diagram for XMultiAutoAccessSkipList< X, K, CT, A, Pr >:
XList< CT::value_type, CT::node_type >

List of all members.


class  value_compare
 Compares the keys found in two values. (Sorted Associative Container) More...

Public Types

typedef size_t size_type
 An unsigned integral type that can represent any nonnegative value of the container's distance type. (Container)
typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type
 A signed integral type used to represent the distance between two of the container's iterators. (Container)
XMultiAutoAccessSkipList< X, K,
CT, A, Pr > 
 Type that represents this internal container.
typedef XIterator0< X,
typedef XIterator1< X,
typedef T0 iterator
 The type of iterator used to iterate through a container's elements. (Container)
typedef T1 const_iterator
 A type of iterator that may be used to examine, but not to modify, a container's elements. (Container)
typedef CT::value_type value_type
 The type of the object stored in a container. (Container)
typedef value_type T
typedef K key_type
 The list's key type, T. (Associative Container LOGN)
typedef T mapped_type
 A type identical to value_type (Access Associative Container)
typedef T & mapped_type_reference
 A type identical to reference (Access Associative Container)
typedef const value_type const_mapped_type
 A type identical to const value_type (Access Associative Container)
typedef const value_typeconst_mapped_type_reference
 A type identical to const_reference (Access Associative Container)
typedef CT::node_type node_type
 Internal node type.
typedef value_typepointer
 A type that behaves as a pointer to the container's value type. (Container)
typedef value_typereference
 A type that behaves as a reference to the container's value type. (Container)
typedef const value_typeconst_reference
 A type that behaves as a const reference to the container's value type. (Container)
typedef std::reverse_iterator
< iterator
 A Reverse Iterator adaptor whose base iterator type is the container's iterator type. (Reversible Container)
typedef std::reverse_iterator
< const_iterator
 A Reverse Iterator adaptor whose base iterator type is the container's const iterator type. (Reversible Container)
typedef CT::data_type data_type
 Internal shared data type.
typedef std::pair< iterator,
 Type for pair of iterators.
typedef std::pair
< const_iterator,
 Type for pair of const_iterators.
typedef Pr key_compare
 Function object that compares two keys for ordering. (Sorted Associative Container)

Public Member Functions

 XMultiAutoAcessSkipList ()
 Default Constructor O(1) (Container)
 XMultiAutoAcessSkipList (const key_compare &comp)
 Constructor O(1) (Sorted Associative Container)
 ~XMultiAutoAcessSkipList ()
 Destructor O(1) (Container)
void setData (void *data)
 Set shared data. (Never call this) O(1)
data_typegetData ()
 Returns shared data used by this internal container. O(1)
container_typeoperator= (const container_type &source)
 Assignment Operator O(m*n*logn) (Container)
iterator begin ()
 Returns an iterator pointing to the beginning of the list. O(1) (Container)
iterator end ()
 Returns an iterator pointing to the end of the list. O(1) (Container)
const_iterator begin () const
 Returns a const_iterator pointing to the beginning of the list. O(1) (Container)
const_iterator end () const
 Returns a const_iterator pointing to the end of the list. O(1) (Container)
reverse_iterator rbegin ()
 Returns a reverse_iterator pointing to the beginning of the reversed list. O(1) (Reversible Container)
reverse_iterator rend ()
 Returns a reverse_iterator pointing to the end of the reversed list. O(1) (Reversible Container)
const_reverse_iterator rbegin () const
 Returns a const_reverse_iterator pointing to the beginning of the reversed list. O(1) (Reversible Container)
const_reverse_iterator rend () const
 Returns a reverse_iterator pointing to the end of the reversed list. O(1) (Reversible Container)
size_type size () const
 Returns the size of the list. O(1) (Container)
bool empty () const
 Returns true if the list's size is 0. O(1) (Container)
reference front ()
 Returns the first element. O(1) (Front Access Container)
const_reference front () const
 Returns the first element. O(1) (Front Access Container)
reference back ()
 Returns the last element. O(1) (Back Access Container)
const_reference back () const
 Returns the last element. O(1) (Back Access Container)
void pop_front ()
 Removes the first element. O(m*logn) (Front Access Container)
void destroy_front ()
 Deletes the first pointer element. O(m*logn) (Front Access Container)
void pop_back ()
 Removes the last element. O(m*logn) (Back Access Container)
void destroy_back ()
 Deletes the last pointer element. O(m*logn) (Back Access Container)
template<class InIt >
void assign (InIt first, InIt last)
 Clear list and copy element in iterator range [first,last) O(m*n*logn).
iterator insert (const value_type &val)
 Inserts value into the list O(m*logn). (Multiple Associative Container)
iterator insert (const iterator &where, const value_type &val)
 Inserts value into the list. O(m*logn) (Multiple Sorted Associative Container)
template<class InIt >
void insert (InIt first, InIt last)
 Inserts values from the range [first,last) into the list by calling insert(*where). O(m*n*logn) (Multiple Sorted Associative Container)
iterator erase (const iterator &where)
 Erases the element pointed to by where. O(m*logn) (Associative Container LOGN)
iterator destroy (const iterator &where)
 Deletes and erases the pointer element pointed to by where. O(m*logn) (Destructive Associative Container LOGN)
iterator erase (const iterator &first, const iterator &last)
 Erases all elements in a range. O(m*n*logn) (Associative Container LOGN)
iterator destroy (const iterator &first, const iterator &last)
 Deletes and erases all pointer elements in a range. O(m*n*logn) (Destructive Associative Container LOGN)
size_type erase (const key_type &keyval)
 Erases the element whose key is keyval. O(logn) (Associative Container LOGN)
size_type destroy (const key_type &keyval)
 Deletes and erases the element whose key is keyval. O(logn+k2) (Destructive Associative Container LOGN)
iterator erase_index (size_type index)
 Erases the element at the specified index. O(m*logn)
iterator destroy_index (size_type index)
 Deletes and erases the element at the specified index. O(m*logn)
void clear ()
 Erases all of the elements. O(m+n) (Associative Container LOGN)
void destroy ()
 Deletes and erases all of the pointer elements. O(m+n) (Destructive Associative Container LOGN)
void swap (container_type &right)
 Swaps the contents of two lists. NOT IMPLEMENTED YET!!! O(m*n*logn) (Container)
template<class Pr1 >
void erase_if (Pr1 pred)
 Erases all elements where pred(*where) is true. O(m*n*logn)
template<class Pr4 >
void destroy_if (Pr4 pred)
 Destroys all elements where pred(*where) is true. O(m*n*logn)
void unique ()
 Removes all but the first element in every consecutive group of equal elements. O(m*n*logn)
template<class Pr2 >
void unique (Pr2 pred)
 Removes all but the first element in every consecutive group of equivalent elements. O(m*n*logn)
mapped_type_reference operator[] (size_type index)
 Returns a reference to the element located at the specified index. O(logn) (Random Access Container LOGN)
const_mapped_type_reference operator[] (size_type index) const
 Returns a reference to the element located at the specified index. O(logn) (Random Access Container LOGN)
mapped_type_reference at (size_type off)
 Returns a reference to the element located at the specified index. O(logn) (Random Access Container LOGN)
const_mapped_type_reference at (size_type off) const
 Returns a reference to the element located at the specified index. O(logn) (Random Access Container LOGN)
key_compare key_comp () const
 Returns current key comparison predicate. O(1) (Sorted Associative Container)
value_compare value_comp () const
 Returns current value comparison predicate. O(1) (Sorted Associative Container)
size_type max_size () const
 Returns the largest possible size of the list. O(1) (Container)
const key_typekey (const value_type &value) const
 Returns key from within the value. O(1)
mapped_type_reference value (reference value) const
 Returns mapped_type from within the value. O(1)
const_mapped_type_reference value (const_reference value) const
 Returns const_mapped_type from within the value. O(1)
iterator find (const key_type &keyval)
 Finds an element whose key is keyval. O(logn) (Associative Container LOGN)
const_iterator find (const key_type &keyval) const
 Finds an element whose key is keyval. O(logn) (Associative Container LOGN)
size_type count (const key_type &keyval) const
 Counts the number of elements whose key is keyval. O(logn) (Associative Container LOGN)
iterator lower_bound (const key_type &keyval)
 Finds the first element whose key is not less than keyval. O(logn) (Sorted Associative Container)
const_iterator lower_bound (const key_type &keyval) const
 Finds the first element whose key is not less than keyval. O(logn) (Sorted Associative Container)
iterator upper_bound (const key_type &keyval)
 Finds the first element whose key is greater than keyval. O(logn) (Sorted Associative Container)
const_iterator upper_bound (const key_type &keyval) const
 Finds the first element whose key is greater than keyval. O(logn) (Sorted Associative Container)
ipair equal_range (const key_type &keyval)
 Finds a range containing all elements whose key is keyval. O(logn) (Sorted Associative Container)
const_ipair equal_range (const key_type &keyval) const
 Finds a range containing all elements whose key is keyval. O(logn) (Sorted Associative Container)

Private Types

typedef std::pair< size_type,
node_type * > * 
 Type for cache entry.

Private Member Functions

void scan (size_type index) const
 Scan by index current internal container. O(logn)
void scanAll (size_type index) const
 Scan by index current internal container and update ALL caches. O(m*logn)
void scan (const iterator &where) const
 Scan by iterator current internal container. O(logn)
void scanAll (const iterator &where) const
 Scan by iterator current internal container and update ALL caches. O(m*logn)
void scan (node_type *nodex)
 Scan by node current internal container. O(logn)
void scanAll (node_type *nodex)
 Scan by node current internal container and update ALL caches. O(m*logn)
void scan_val (const value_type &val) const
 Scan by value current internal container. O(logn)
void scanAll_val (const value_type &val) const
 Scan by value current internal container and update ALL caches. O(m*logn)
void scan_val (const key_type &val) const
 Scan by key current internal container. O(logn)
void scanAll_val (const key_type &val) const
 Scan by key current internal container and update ALL caches. O(m*logn)
size_typegetItems ()
 Returns reference to number of elements in container.
void setItems (const size_type sz)
 Updates the number of elements in container.
std::pair< size_type,
node_type * > * 
getUpdate ()
 Returns current cache array for this internal container.
size_type getScanIndex () const
 Returns cache index for this internal container.
void setScanIndex (const size_type sz)
 Sets current cache index for this internal container.

Private Attributes

 Internal shared data.
 Predicate to read the key.
key_compare KeyCompare
 LessThan Comparison predicate.
value_compare ValueCompare
 LessThan Comparison predicate.


class XIterator0< X, container_type >
class XIterator1< X, container_type >

Detailed Description

template<unsigned int X, class K, class CT, class A = XAccessSelf<K,typename CT::value_type>, class Pr = std::less<K>>
class XMultiAutoAccessSkipList< X, K, CT, A, Pr >

Internal container for custom multilist derived from XBidiCompositeSkipList.

Almost identical to MultiAutoAccessSkipList in functionality. Only default constructors available.

Acts much like a map where elements are automatically indexed. IOW, it's a sorted random access container accessible in logn time where the key is a member of the element.

Template Parameters:
XIndex of the internal container within data_type for this iterator.
KKey type.
CTType of custom composite container.
APredicate to access the key from CT::value_type.
PrPredicate for sorting elements.

Member Typedef Documentation

template<unsigned int X, class K , class CT , class A = XAccessSelf<K,typename CT::value_type>, class Pr = std::less<K>>
typedef ptrdiff_t XMultiAutoAccessSkipList< X, K, CT, A, Pr >::difference_type

A signed integral type used to represent the distance between two of the container's iterators. (Container)

This type must be the same as the iterator's distance type.

template<unsigned int X, class K , class CT , class A = XAccessSelf<K,typename CT::value_type>, class Pr = std::less<K>>
typedef T0 XMultiAutoAccessSkipList< X, K, CT, A, Pr >::iterator

The type of iterator used to iterate through a container's elements. (Container)

The iterator's value type is expected to be the container's value type. A conversion from the iterator type to the const iterator type must exist. The iterator type must be an input iterator.

template<unsigned int X, class K , class CT , class A = XAccessSelf<K,typename CT::value_type>, class Pr = std::less<K>>
typedef CT::value_type XMultiAutoAccessSkipList< X, K, CT, A, Pr >::value_type

The type of the object stored in a container. (Container)

The value type must be Assignable, but need not be DefaultConstructible.

template<unsigned int X, class K , class CT , class A = XAccessSelf<K,typename CT::value_type>, class Pr = std::less<K>>
typedef std::reverse_iterator<iterator> XMultiAutoAccessSkipList< X, K, CT, A, Pr >::reverse_iterator

A Reverse Iterator adaptor whose base iterator type is the container's iterator type. (Reversible Container)

Incrementing an object of type reverse_iterator moves backwards through the container: the Reverse Iterator adaptor maps operator++ to operator--.

Member Function Documentation

template<unsigned int X, class K , class CT , class A = XAccessSelf<K,typename CT::value_type>, class Pr = std::less<K>>
void XMultiAutoAccessSkipList< X, K, CT, A, Pr >::scan ( size_type  index) const [inline, private]

Scan by index current internal container. O(logn)

This will update the cache so that all levels point to the item just before index. This allows the list to be updated.

Only the current internal container is scanned.

indexIndex to search.
template<unsigned int X, class K , class CT , class A = XAccessSelf<K,typename CT::value_type>, class Pr = std::less<K>>
void XMultiAutoAccessSkipList< X, K, CT, A, Pr >::scanAll ( size_type  index) const [inline, private]

Scan by index current internal container and update ALL caches. O(m*logn)

This will update the cache so that all levels point to the item just before index. This allows the list to be updated.

Cache for ALL internal containers are updated.

indexIndex to search.
template<unsigned int X, class K , class CT , class A = XAccessSelf<K,typename CT::value_type>, class Pr = std::less<K>>
void XMultiAutoAccessSkipList< X, K, CT, A, Pr >::scan ( const iterator where) const [inline, private]

Scan by iterator current internal container. O(logn)

This will update the cache so that all levels point to the item just before where. This allows the list to be updated. This will invoke a scan by index.

Only the current internal container is scanned.

whereIterator location to search.
template<unsigned int X, class K , class CT , class A = XAccessSelf<K,typename CT::value_type>, class Pr = std::less<K>>
void XMultiAutoAccessSkipList< X, K, CT, A, Pr >::scanAll ( const iterator where) const [inline, private]

Scan by iterator current internal container and update ALL caches. O(m*logn)

This will update the cache so that all levels point to the item just before where. This allows the list to be updated. This will invoke a scan by index.

Cache for ALL internal containers are updated.

whereIterator location to search.
template<unsigned int X, class K , class CT , class A = XAccessSelf<K,typename CT::value_type>, class Pr = std::less<K>>
void XMultiAutoAccessSkipList< X, K, CT, A, Pr >::scan ( node_type nodex) [inline, private]

Scan by node current internal container. O(logn)

This will update the cache so that all levels point to the item just before nodex. This allows the list to be updated.

Only the current internal container is scanned.

nodexNode to search.
template<unsigned int X, class K , class CT , class A = XAccessSelf<K,typename CT::value_type>, class Pr = std::less<K>>
void XMultiAutoAccessSkipList< X, K, CT, A, Pr >::scanAll ( node_type nodex) [inline, private]

Scan by node current internal container and update ALL caches. O(m*logn)

This will update the cache so that all levels point to the item just before nodex. This allows the list to be updated.

Cache for ALL internal containers are updated.

nodexNode to search.
template<unsigned int X, class K , class CT , class A = XAccessSelf<K,typename CT::value_type>, class Pr = std::less<K>>
void XMultiAutoAccessSkipList< X, K, CT, A, Pr >::scan_val ( const value_type val) const [inline, private]

Scan by value current internal container. O(logn)

This will update the cache so that all levels point to the item just before val. This allows the list to be updated.

Only the current internal container is scanned.

valValue to search.
template<unsigned int X, class K , class CT , class A = XAccessSelf<K,typename CT::value_type>, class Pr = std::less<K>>
void XMultiAutoAccessSkipList< X, K, CT, A, Pr >::scanAll_val ( const value_type val) const [inline, private]

Scan by value current internal container and update ALL caches. O(m*logn)

This will update the cache so that all levels point to the item just before val. This allows the list to be updated.

Cache for ALL internal containers are updated.

valValue to search.
template<unsigned int X, class K , class CT , class A = XAccessSelf<K,typename CT::value_type>, class Pr = std::less<K>>
void XMultiAutoAccessSkipList< X, K, CT, A, Pr >::scan_val ( const key_type val) const [inline, private]

Scan by key current internal container. O(logn)

This will update the cache so that all levels point to the item just before val. This allows the list to be updated.

Only the current internal container is scanned.

valValue to search.
template<unsigned int X, class K , class CT , class A = XAccessSelf<K,typename CT::value_type>, class Pr = std::less<K>>
void XMultiAutoAccessSkipList< X, K, CT, A, Pr >::scanAll_val ( const key_type val) const [inline, private]

Scan by key current internal container and update ALL caches. O(m*logn)

This will update the cache so that all levels point to the item just before val. This allows the list to be updated.

Cache for ALL internal containers are updated.

valValue to search.
template<unsigned int X, class K , class CT , class A = XAccessSelf<K,typename CT::value_type>, class Pr = std::less<K>>
void XMultiAutoAccessSkipList< X, K, CT, A, Pr >::setItems ( const size_type  sz) [inline, private]

Updates the number of elements in container.

szNew size of list.
template<unsigned int X, class K , class CT , class A = XAccessSelf<K,typename CT::value_type>, class Pr = std::less<K>>
void XMultiAutoAccessSkipList< X, K, CT, A, Pr >::setScanIndex ( const size_type  sz) [inline, private]

Sets current cache index for this internal container.

szNew cache index.
template<unsigned int X, class K , class CT , class A = XAccessSelf<K,typename CT::value_type>, class Pr = std::less<K>>
XMultiAutoAccessSkipList< X, K, CT, A, Pr >::XMultiAutoAcessSkipList ( const key_compare comp) [inline, explicit]

Constructor O(1) (Sorted Associative Container)

compPredicate for LessThan comparison.
template<unsigned int X, class K , class CT , class A = XAccessSelf<K,typename CT::value_type>, class Pr = std::less<K>>
void XMultiAutoAccessSkipList< X, K, CT, A, Pr >::setData ( void *  data) [inline, virtual]

Set shared data. (Never call this) O(1)

This is for internal use only to set the shared data. The multilist constructor should invoke data->InitData() instead. The data parameter is void* to allow different shared types.

dataShared data usually of type XData.

Implements XList< CT::value_type, CT::node_type >.

template<unsigned int X, class K , class CT , class A = XAccessSelf<K,typename CT::value_type>, class Pr = std::less<K>>
container_type& XMultiAutoAccessSkipList< X, K, CT, A, Pr >::operator= ( const container_type source) [inline]

Assignment Operator O(m*n*logn) (Container)

Clears current list and copies source elements to current list.

sourcelist to copy from.
reference to current list.
template<unsigned int X, class K , class CT , class A = XAccessSelf<K,typename CT::value_type>, class Pr = std::less<K>>
iterator XMultiAutoAccessSkipList< X, K, CT, A, Pr >::begin ( ) [inline]

Returns an iterator pointing to the beginning of the list. O(1) (Container)

iterator pointing to the beginning of the list.
template<unsigned int X, class K , class CT , class A = XAccessSelf<K,typename CT::value_type>, class Pr = std::less<K>>
iterator XMultiAutoAccessSkipList< X, K, CT, A, Pr >::end ( ) [inline]

Returns an iterator pointing to the end of the list. O(1) (Container)

iterator pointing to the end of the list.
template<unsigned int X, class K , class CT , class A = XAccessSelf<K,typename CT::value_type>, class Pr = std::less<K>>
const_iterator XMultiAutoAccessSkipList< X, K, CT, A, Pr >::begin ( ) const [inline]

Returns a const_iterator pointing to the beginning of the list. O(1) (Container)

const_iterator pointing to the beginning of the list.
template<unsigned int X, class K , class CT , class A = XAccessSelf<K,typename CT::value_type>, class Pr = std::less<K>>
const_iterator XMultiAutoAccessSkipList< X, K, CT, A, Pr >::end ( ) const [inline]

Returns a const_iterator pointing to the end of the list. O(1) (Container)

const_iterator pointing to the end of the list.
template<unsigned int X, class K , class CT , class A = XAccessSelf<K,typename CT::value_type>, class Pr = std::less<K>>
reverse_iterator XMultiAutoAccessSkipList< X, K, CT, A, Pr >::rbegin ( ) [inline]

Returns a reverse_iterator pointing to the beginning of the reversed list. O(1) (Reversible Container)

reverse_iterator pointing to the beginning of the list.
template<unsigned int X, class K , class CT , class A = XAccessSelf<K,typename CT::value_type>, class Pr = std::less<K>>
reverse_iterator XMultiAutoAccessSkipList< X, K, CT, A, Pr >::rend ( ) [inline]

Returns a reverse_iterator pointing to the end of the reversed list. O(1) (Reversible Container)

reverse_iterator pointing to the end of the list.
template<unsigned int X, class K , class CT , class A = XAccessSelf<K,typename CT::value_type>, class Pr = std::less<K>>
const_reverse_iterator XMultiAutoAccessSkipList< X, K, CT, A, Pr >::rbegin ( ) const [inline]

Returns a const_reverse_iterator pointing to the beginning of the reversed list. O(1) (Reversible Container)

const_reverse_iterator pointing to the beginning of the list.
template<unsigned int X, class K , class CT , class A = XAccessSelf<K,typename CT::value_type>, class Pr = std::less<K>>
const_reverse_iterator XMultiAutoAccessSkipList< X, K, CT, A, Pr >::rend ( ) const [inline]

Returns a reverse_iterator pointing to the end of the reversed list. O(1) (Reversible Container)

reverse_iterator pointing to the end of the list.
template<unsigned int X, class K , class CT , class A = XAccessSelf<K,typename CT::value_type>, class Pr = std::less<K>>
size_type XMultiAutoAccessSkipList< X, K, CT, A, Pr >::size ( ) const [inline]

Returns the size of the list. O(1) (Container)

size of the list.
template<unsigned int X, class K , class CT , class A = XAccessSelf<K,typename CT::value_type>, class Pr = std::less<K>>
bool XMultiAutoAccessSkipList< X, K, CT, A, Pr >::empty ( ) const [inline]

Returns true if the list's size is 0. O(1) (Container)

true if the list's size is 0, false otherwise.
template<unsigned int X, class K , class CT , class A = XAccessSelf<K,typename CT::value_type>, class Pr = std::less<K>>
reference XMultiAutoAccessSkipList< X, K, CT, A, Pr >::front ( ) [inline]

Returns the first element. O(1) (Front Access Container)

the first element.
template<unsigned int X, class K , class CT , class A = XAccessSelf<K,typename CT::value_type>, class Pr = std::less<K>>
const_reference XMultiAutoAccessSkipList< X, K, CT, A, Pr >::front ( ) const [inline]

Returns the first element. O(1) (Front Access Container)

the first element.
template<unsigned int X, class K , class CT , class A = XAccessSelf<K,typename CT::value_type>, class Pr = std::less<K>>
reference XMultiAutoAccessSkipList< X, K, CT, A, Pr >::back ( ) [inline]

Returns the last element. O(1) (Back Access Container)

the last element.
template<unsigned int X, class K , class CT , class A = XAccessSelf<K,typename CT::value_type>, class Pr = std::less<K>>
const_reference XMultiAutoAccessSkipList< X, K, CT, A, Pr >::back ( ) const [inline]

Returns the last element. O(1) (Back Access Container)

the last element.
template<unsigned int X, class K , class CT , class A = XAccessSelf<K,typename CT::value_type>, class Pr = std::less<K>>
template<class InIt >
void XMultiAutoAccessSkipList< X, K, CT, A, Pr >::assign ( InIt  first,
InIt  last 
) [inline]

Clear list and copy element in iterator range [first,last) O(m*n*logn).

For non-sorted, indexed internal containers, the elements are inserted at the end of the list. For sorted internal containers, the elements are inserted at the proper location.

firstiterator at beginning of copy range.
lastiterator just beyond the end of copy range.
template<unsigned int X, class K , class CT , class A = XAccessSelf<K,typename CT::value_type>, class Pr = std::less<K>>
iterator XMultiAutoAccessSkipList< X, K, CT, A, Pr >::insert ( const value_type val) [inline]

Inserts value into the list O(m*logn). (Multiple Associative Container)

valvalue to insert.
iterator that points to the inserted element.
template<unsigned int X, class K , class CT , class A = XAccessSelf<K,typename CT::value_type>, class Pr = std::less<K>>
iterator XMultiAutoAccessSkipList< X, K, CT, A, Pr >::insert ( const iterator where,
const value_type val 
) [inline]

Inserts value into the list. O(m*logn) (Multiple Sorted Associative Container)


See also:
insert(const value_type& val)
template<unsigned int X, class K , class CT , class A = XAccessSelf<K,typename CT::value_type>, class Pr = std::less<K>>
template<class InIt >
void XMultiAutoAccessSkipList< X, K, CT, A, Pr >::insert ( InIt  first,
InIt  last 
) [inline]

Inserts values from the range [first,last) into the list by calling insert(*where). O(m*n*logn) (Multiple Sorted Associative Container)

firstiterator to first element to copy.
lastiterator just beyond last element to copy.
template<unsigned int X, class K , class CT , class A = XAccessSelf<K,typename CT::value_type>, class Pr = std::less<K>>
iterator XMultiAutoAccessSkipList< X, K, CT, A, Pr >::erase ( const iterator where) [inline]

Erases the element pointed to by where. O(m*logn) (Associative Container LOGN)

whereIterator that points to element to erase.
iterator located after the element that was erased.
template<unsigned int X, class K , class CT , class A = XAccessSelf<K,typename CT::value_type>, class Pr = std::less<K>>
iterator XMultiAutoAccessSkipList< X, K, CT, A, Pr >::destroy ( const iterator where) [inline]

Deletes and erases the pointer element pointed to by where. O(m*logn) (Destructive Associative Container LOGN)

whereIterator that points to element to destroy.
iterator located after the element that was destroyed.
template<unsigned int X, class K , class CT , class A = XAccessSelf<K,typename CT::value_type>, class Pr = std::less<K>>
iterator XMultiAutoAccessSkipList< X, K, CT, A, Pr >::erase ( const iterator first,
const iterator last 
) [inline]

Erases all elements in a range. O(m*n*logn) (Associative Container LOGN)

iterator last will remain valid after the call.

firstiterator to first element to erase.
lastiterator just beyond last element to erase.
first element beyond range (last).
template<unsigned int X, class K , class CT , class A = XAccessSelf<K,typename CT::value_type>, class Pr = std::less<K>>
iterator XMultiAutoAccessSkipList< X, K, CT, A, Pr >::destroy ( const iterator first,
const iterator last 
) [inline]

Deletes and erases all pointer elements in a range. O(m*n*logn) (Destructive Associative Container LOGN)

iterator last will remain valid after the call.

firstiterator to first pointer element to destroy.
lastiterator just beyond last pointer element to destroy.
first element beyond range (last).
template<unsigned int X, class K , class CT , class A = XAccessSelf<K,typename CT::value_type>, class Pr = std::less<K>>
size_type XMultiAutoAccessSkipList< X, K, CT, A, Pr >::erase ( const key_type keyval) [inline]

Erases the element whose key is keyval. O(logn) (Associative Container LOGN)

keyvalkey of element to erase.
number of elements that were erased.
template<unsigned int X, class K , class CT , class A = XAccessSelf<K,typename CT::value_type>, class Pr = std::less<K>>
size_type XMultiAutoAccessSkipList< X, K, CT, A, Pr >::destroy ( const key_type keyval) [inline]

Deletes and erases the element whose key is keyval. O(logn+k2) (Destructive Associative Container LOGN)

keyvalkey of element to destroy.
number of elements that were destroyed.
template<unsigned int X, class K , class CT , class A = XAccessSelf<K,typename CT::value_type>, class Pr = std::less<K>>
iterator XMultiAutoAccessSkipList< X, K, CT, A, Pr >::erase_index ( size_type  index)

Erases the element at the specified index. O(m*logn)

indexindex of element to erase.
iterator following the erased element.
template<unsigned int X, class K , class CT , class A = XAccessSelf<K,typename CT::value_type>, class Pr = std::less<K>>
iterator XMultiAutoAccessSkipList< X, K, CT, A, Pr >::destroy_index ( size_type  index)

Deletes and erases the element at the specified index. O(m*logn)

indexindex of element to destroy.
iterator following the destroyed element.
template<unsigned int X, class K , class CT , class A = XAccessSelf<K,typename CT::value_type>, class Pr = std::less<K>>
void XMultiAutoAccessSkipList< X, K, CT, A, Pr >::swap ( container_type right) [inline]

Swaps the contents of two lists. NOT IMPLEMENTED YET!!! O(m*n*logn) (Container)

rightlist with which to swap contents.
template<unsigned int X, class K , class CT , class A = XAccessSelf<K,typename CT::value_type>, class Pr = std::less<K>>
template<class Pr1 >
void XMultiAutoAccessSkipList< X, K, CT, A, Pr >::erase_if ( Pr1  pred)

Erases all elements where pred(*where) is true. O(m*n*logn)

The relative order of elements that are not erased is unchanged, and iterators to elements that are not erased remain partially valid.

template<unsigned int X, class K , class CT , class A = XAccessSelf<K,typename CT::value_type>, class Pr = std::less<K>>
template<class Pr4 >
void XMultiAutoAccessSkipList< X, K, CT, A, Pr >::destroy_if ( Pr4  pred)

Destroys all elements where pred(*where) is true. O(m*n*logn)

The relative order of elements that are not removed is unchanged, and iterators to elements that are not erased remain partially valid.

template<unsigned int X, class K , class CT , class A = XAccessSelf<K,typename CT::value_type>, class Pr = std::less<K>>
void XMultiAutoAccessSkipList< X, K, CT, A, Pr >::unique ( ) [inline]

Removes all but the first element in every consecutive group of equal elements. O(m*n*logn)

The relative order of elements that are not removed is unchanged, and iterators to elements that are not removed remain valid. This function is linear time: it performs exactly size() - 1 comparisons for equality. Existing iterators are partially invalidated and a refresh() must be done.

template<unsigned int X, class K , class CT , class A = XAccessSelf<K,typename CT::value_type>, class Pr = std::less<K>>
template<class Pr2 >
void XMultiAutoAccessSkipList< X, K, CT, A, Pr >::unique ( Pr2  pred) [inline]

Removes all but the first element in every consecutive group of equivalent elements. O(m*n*logn)

Two elements *i and *j are considered equivalent if pred(*i, *j) is true. The relative order of elements that are not removed remain valid. it performs exactly size() - 1 comparisons for equality. Existing iterators are partially invalidated and a refresh() must be done.

predComparison predicate.
template<unsigned int X, class K , class CT , class A = XAccessSelf<K,typename CT::value_type>, class Pr = std::less<K>>
mapped_type_reference XMultiAutoAccessSkipList< X, K, CT, A, Pr >::operator[] ( size_type  index) [inline]

Returns a reference to the element located at the specified index. O(logn) (Random Access Container LOGN)

If index is invalid, behaviour is undefined.

indexindex of element to retrieve.
element at specified index.
template<unsigned int X, class K , class CT , class A = XAccessSelf<K,typename CT::value_type>, class Pr = std::less<K>>
const_mapped_type_reference XMultiAutoAccessSkipList< X, K, CT, A, Pr >::operator[] ( size_type  index) const [inline]

Returns a reference to the element located at the specified index. O(logn) (Random Access Container LOGN)

If index is invalid, behaviour is undefined.

indexindex of element to retrieve.
element at specified index.
template<unsigned int X, class K , class CT , class A = XAccessSelf<K,typename CT::value_type>, class Pr = std::less<K>>
mapped_type_reference XMultiAutoAccessSkipList< X, K, CT, A, Pr >::at ( size_type  off) [inline]

Returns a reference to the element located at the specified index. O(logn) (Random Access Container LOGN)

If index is invalid, out_of_range exception is thrown.

offindex of element to retrieve.
element at specified index.
template<unsigned int X, class K , class CT , class A = XAccessSelf<K,typename CT::value_type>, class Pr = std::less<K>>
const_mapped_type_reference XMultiAutoAccessSkipList< X, K, CT, A, Pr >::at ( size_type  off) const [inline]

Returns a reference to the element located at the specified index. O(logn) (Random Access Container LOGN)

If index is invalid, out_of_range exception is thrown.

offindex of element to retrieve.
element at specified index.
template<unsigned int X, class K , class CT , class A = XAccessSelf<K,typename CT::value_type>, class Pr = std::less<K>>
const key_type& XMultiAutoAccessSkipList< X, K, CT, A, Pr >::key ( const value_type value) const [inline]

Returns key from within the value. O(1)

For SkipLists that act like a set, the key, value and mapped_type are all the same. For SkipLists that act like a map, the value is a pair. The key is value.first and the mapped_type is value.second. For indexed SkipLists, the key is the value.

valuevalue to extract the key from.
template<unsigned int X, class K , class CT , class A = XAccessSelf<K,typename CT::value_type>, class Pr = std::less<K>>
mapped_type_reference XMultiAutoAccessSkipList< X, K, CT, A, Pr >::value ( reference  value) const [inline]

Returns mapped_type from within the value. O(1)

For SkipLists that act like a set, the key, value and mapped_type are all the same. For SkipLists that act like a map, the value is a pair. The key is value.first and the mapped_type is value.second. For indexed SkipLists, the mapped_type is the value.

valuevalue to extract the mapped_type from.
template<unsigned int X, class K , class CT , class A = XAccessSelf<K,typename CT::value_type>, class Pr = std::less<K>>
const_mapped_type_reference XMultiAutoAccessSkipList< X, K, CT, A, Pr >::value ( const_reference  value) const [inline]

Returns const_mapped_type from within the value. O(1)

For SkipLists that act like a set, the key, value and mapped_type are all the same. For SkipLists that act like a map, the value is a pair. The key is value.first and the mapped_type is value.second. For indexed SkipLists, the mapped_type is the value.

valuevalue to extract the mapped_type from.
template<unsigned int X, class K , class CT , class A = XAccessSelf<K,typename CT::value_type>, class Pr = std::less<K>>
iterator XMultiAutoAccessSkipList< X, K, CT, A, Pr >::find ( const key_type keyval) [inline]

Finds an element whose key is keyval. O(logn) (Associative Container LOGN)

keyvalkey of element to find.
iterator pointing to element whose key is keyval.
template<unsigned int X, class K , class CT , class A = XAccessSelf<K,typename CT::value_type>, class Pr = std::less<K>>
const_iterator XMultiAutoAccessSkipList< X, K, CT, A, Pr >::find ( const key_type keyval) const [inline]

Finds an element whose key is keyval. O(logn) (Associative Container LOGN)

keyvalkey of element to find.
const_iterator pointing to element whose key is keyval.
template<unsigned int X, class K , class CT , class A = XAccessSelf<K,typename CT::value_type>, class Pr = std::less<K>>
size_type XMultiAutoAccessSkipList< X, K, CT, A, Pr >::count ( const key_type keyval) const [inline]

Counts the number of elements whose key is keyval. O(logn) (Associative Container LOGN)

keyvalkey of elements to count.
amount of elements found.
template<unsigned int X, class K , class CT , class A = XAccessSelf<K,typename CT::value_type>, class Pr = std::less<K>>
iterator XMultiAutoAccessSkipList< X, K, CT, A, Pr >::lower_bound ( const key_type keyval) [inline]

Finds the first element whose key is not less than keyval. O(logn) (Sorted Associative Container)

keyvalkey of element to find.
iterator pointing to first element whose key is not less than keyval.
template<unsigned int X, class K , class CT , class A = XAccessSelf<K,typename CT::value_type>, class Pr = std::less<K>>
const_iterator XMultiAutoAccessSkipList< X, K, CT, A, Pr >::lower_bound ( const key_type keyval) const [inline]

Finds the first element whose key is not less than keyval. O(logn) (Sorted Associative Container)

keyvalkey of element to find.
iterator pointing to first element whose key is not less than keyval.
template<unsigned int X, class K , class CT , class A = XAccessSelf<K,typename CT::value_type>, class Pr = std::less<K>>
iterator XMultiAutoAccessSkipList< X, K, CT, A, Pr >::upper_bound ( const key_type keyval) [inline]

Finds the first element whose key is greater than keyval. O(logn) (Sorted Associative Container)

keyvalkey of element to find.
iterator pointing to first element whose key is greater than keyval.
template<unsigned int X, class K , class CT , class A = XAccessSelf<K,typename CT::value_type>, class Pr = std::less<K>>
const_iterator XMultiAutoAccessSkipList< X, K, CT, A, Pr >::upper_bound ( const key_type keyval) const [inline]

Finds the first element whose key is greater than keyval. O(logn) (Sorted Associative Container)

keyvalkey of element to find.
iterator pointing to first element whose key is greater than keyval.
template<unsigned int X, class K , class CT , class A = XAccessSelf<K,typename CT::value_type>, class Pr = std::less<K>>
ipair XMultiAutoAccessSkipList< X, K, CT, A, Pr >::equal_range ( const key_type keyval) [inline]

Finds a range containing all elements whose key is keyval. O(logn) (Sorted Associative Container)

keyvalkey of elements to find.
pair containing range.
template<unsigned int X, class K , class CT , class A = XAccessSelf<K,typename CT::value_type>, class Pr = std::less<K>>
const_ipair XMultiAutoAccessSkipList< X, K, CT, A, Pr >::equal_range ( const key_type keyval) const [inline]

Finds a range containing all elements whose key is keyval. O(logn) (Sorted Associative Container)

keyvalkey of elements to find.
pair containing range.

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